2018 1st Quarter Issue – InFRE’s free retirement newsletterr

The quarterly newsletterr from the International Foundation for Retirement Education’s to help retirement professionals keep abreast of what’s happening in the field of retirement readiness, counseling, planning and income management.
In this retirement-specific newsletterr, planners will learn about:
- “Integrating Home Equity and Retirement Savings Through the ‘Rule of 30′” by Peter Neuwirth and Barry Sacks. Most people reaching retirement age have savings in a 401(k) account or otherwise that are inadequate to meet their consumption needs during retirement. Recent research has shown that integrating home equity with retirement savings provides a strong enhancement of the amount available throughout retirement.
- “How to Protect an Aging Client’s or Adult Child’s Retirement Security from a Medical Crisis” by Annalee Kruger of CareRight Inc. A medical crisis can put families into a tailspin if a plan is not in place ahead of time. Advisors must understand how a medical event might affect the retirement security of the aging client and their adult children caregivers, and what can be done to help clients be financially and legally prepared.
The articles below comprise the 2018 1st Qtr Issue of Retirement Insight and Trends. Click on the links below to read each article online separately, or click here to view and print the issue in its entirety.
Welcome to InFRE’s March, 2018 Issue of Retirement Insight and Trends
on March 31, 2018
Retirement InSight and Trends is the quarterly newsletterr for the International Foundation for Retirement Education’s Certified Retirement Counselors® (CRC®s) to help retirement professionals with the practical application of new retirement readiness, counseling, planning and income management concepts for the mid-market. Find out more about the CRC® here and […]
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March, 2018 InFRE Update: Get the Most Out of Your CRC® Certification
on March 31, 2018
You have invested considerable time and money to be as up-to-date as possible about retirement readiness, risk management, and retirement income planning by becoming a Certified Retirement Counselor® (CRC®) professional. Tangibly demonstrate your commitment to the retirement planning profession as a CRC®. […]
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Integrating Home Equity and Retirement Savings Through the “Rule of 30”
on March 31, 2018
By Peter Neuwirth and Barry Sacks
Up until 2012, many efforts had been focusing on ways either to boost the accumulation or to maximize the investment returns during the accumulation phase and even potentially after the drawdown period, but there has not been much attention spent on exactly how a retiree should be drawing down his or her income. Most retirement income strategies still consider withdrawals from the securities portfolio and maximizing Social Security benefits techniques (like saying you have to defer Social Security until the latest possible date and perhaps use your security portfolio to supplement your income until that point). However, very little in the way of sophistication was added to these kinds of strategies.
Now in the last few years, however, the industry has recognized that there are still a couple of issues that to be addressed. […]
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How to Protect an Aging Client’s or Adult Child’s Retirement Security from a Medical Crisis
on March 31, 2018
By Annalee Kruger of CareRight Inc.
I used to be a social worker and long-term care administrator for over 20 years. Every day, I had families in my office because there was a medical crisis. Mom fell, she broke her hip. Hospital says here’s a list of facilities. Go find one because we’re discharging today at noon. The families are just completely caught off guard. They never thought about what is our actual plan if something happens to mom or dad? Who in the family is can drop what they’re doing, leave work for a couple of weeks, and sort out what their options might be?
Rather than always being in crisis reaction mode, I started my company, Care Right Inc., with the mission of helping families be proactive and sitting down and talking about our aging plan sooner rather than later – ideally when things are still going well, because I’ve never had a family ever come back to me and say, “Gosh, Annalee, I feel really great. I’m really confident about the decisions that we had to make, when emotions were high, and time is limited.” […]
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Earn 1 free Continuing Education (CE) credit for the March, 2018 Issue of InFRE’s Retirement InSight and Trends
on March 31, 2018
This issue of the March, 2018 issue of Retirement InSight and Trends is no longer eligible for CE credit.