2016 4th Qtr issue – InFRE’s free newsletterr

The quarterly newsletterr from the International Foundation for Retirement Education’s to help retirement professionals keep abreast of what’s happening in the field of retirement readiness, counseling, planning and income management.
In this retirement-specific newsletterr, planners will learn:
- “Women and Retirement”: Learn how women are more at risk than men of living longer than expected, surviving a spouse, experiencing a “grey divorce”, being a caregiver, dealing with the long-term care expenses of a spouse, and eventually relying solely on Social Security for their retirement income. By being retirement smart, we can help our women clients prepare ahead of time for the retirement-specific risks that are most likely to affect them.
- “Optimal Retirement Income Solutions in Defined Contribution Plans” by Steve Vernon, FSA and Wade Pfau, Ph.D., CFA. This article highlights conclusions from a four-phase research project sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the Stanford Center on Longevity. View illustrations of analytical frameworks for evaluating retirement income generators (RIGs) that could be offered in defined contribution retirement plans, and how to use a diversified portfolio approach for developing retirement income strategies.
- “401(k) Plans: DOL Could Take Steps to Improve Retirement Income Options for Plan Participants”. Learn about seven recommendations to DOL, including that it clarify the criteria to be used by plan sponsors to select an annuity provider, consider providing limited liability relief for offering an appropriate mix of lifetime income options, issue guidance to encourage plan sponsors to select a record keeper that offers annuities from other providers, and consider providing RMD-based default lifetime income to retirees.
The articles below comprise the 2016 4th Qtr Issue of Retirement Insight and Trends. Click on the links below to read each article online separately, or click here to view and print the issue in its entirety.
Welcome to InFRE’s January, 2017 Issue of Retirement Insight and Trends
on JANUARY 18, 2017
Retirement InSight and Trends is the quarterly newsletterr for the International Foundation for Retirement Education’s Certified Retirement Counselors® (CRC®s) to help retirement professionals with the practical application of new retirement readiness, counseling, planning and income management concepts for the mid-market. Find out more about the CRC® and […]
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January, 2017 InFRE Update: CRC® Certification Can be One Answer to the DOL Fiduciary Rule
on JANUARY 18, 2017
By Kevin Seibert, CFP®, CEBS, CRC®, Managing Director, InFRE
As the Bob Dylan song goes, “The Times They are a-Changin”. Regardless if the DOL fiduciary rule is delayed, modified or repealed in the coming weeks or months, most retirement companies are in the process of implementing plans to meet rule requirements. Although these plans may […]
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Women and Retirement
on JANUARY 18, 2017
By Cindy Hounsell, JD, President of Wiser, Mary Beth Franklin, CFP®, and Betty Meredith, CFA, CFP®, CRC®, President of Int’l Retirement Resource Center
Most people are familiar with the issues that are unique to women. We’re talking about some issues that may be less familiar. Women earn less. It seems to be improving for millennial women, but that usually changes once the millennial women start having children. They start taking time away from work. The average number of years that women spend out of the workforce is 12 years. That can put a big dent in Social Security benefits or opportunity to save, unless you’re planning to do that as a couple, which we would recommend to most women. […]
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Optimal Retirement Income Solutions in Defined Contribution Plans
on JANUARY 18, 2017
By Steve Vernon, F.S.A., Research Scholar, Stanford Center on Longevity
Optimizing retirement income solutions in DC retirement plans are a focus of this project. The analyses that we have constructed will also be of great interest to advisors because we think that the analyses can also be used to construct retirement income portfolios both for people working in the employer-sponsored defined contribution world or planners that are helping individuals prepare retirement income portfolios using IRAs and 401K accounts. […]
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401(K) PLANS: DOL Could Take Steps to Improve Retirement Income Options for Plan Participants
on JANUARY 18, 2017
As 401(k) plan participants reach retirement they face the challenge of making their savings last for an unknown lifespan, and many 401(k) plan sponsors do not offer options to help participants with this complex task. GAO was asked to review any related challenges and potential changes to help plan sponsors and participants. This report examines, among other things, barriers that deter plan sponsors from offering such options, and the defaults that exist for participants who do not choose a lifetime income option. GAO administered a non-generalizable questionnaire to record keepers, conducted a non-generalizable survey of 54 plan sponsors, and interviewed a range of stakeholders.i […]
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Earn 1 free Continuing Education (CE) credit for the January, 2017 Issue of InFRE’s Retirement InSight and Trends
on JANUARY 18, 2017
This issue of the January, 2017 issue of Retirement InSight and Trends is no longer eligible for CE credit.